4 Astonishing Benefits of Having a Dog

Jibran Khan
3 min readAug 9, 2022

It is profoundly known that dogs are human’s best mates. There are clear benefits of having a dog, like doing more exercise and improving physical and mental health. A study by Animal Assisted Intervention (AAI) Italy depicts that dog is the best animal to be used as a pet. Their cute faces and full of the joys of spring attitude fill our gloomy routines with delight.

But there are numerous benefits of having a dog. They can help you make new friends and refine your social life. Sounds interesting? Continue reading to catch all the unexpected benefits of having a dog.

1. You feel less alone with a dog

How often do you feel the need to cuddle and be loved in times of distress? Having a dog in an apartment can always be there for you if humans can’t. Having a dog gives you a continuous supply of unconditional love and support. Dogs are the best source that can help you fight against social isolation.

According to a survey, 85 percent of respondents believe that the benefits to having a pet include a reduction in the feeling of being alone. They also acknowledge that human-pet association can help fight against social confinement.

2. Having a dog keeps you active

One of the primary benefits of having a dog is that they evidently increase your physical activity while you don’t even feel it. Taking your dog for a walk in the park and playing “fetch”, all these activities count as your exercise.

This way, having a dog can make you more active and livelier, your blood pressure levels remain standard, and it reduces the risk of cardio problems.

3. Having a dog will make you new friends

Dogs are highly sociable and so are those who have them. It is unlikely for you to chat with someone who is a complete stranger to you. However, it is convenient to talk to a dog walker if your dog drags you towards him.

Proper dog training and taking them to obedience classes make the dogs more sociable. They greet other dog walkers, and you are compelled to socialize with others as well.

4. Dog owners have a stronger immune system

Having a dog helps you stay active and healthier. Your recovery takes less time and the survival chances are high for those who own a dog. Having a dog at home is equally beneficial for the kids as they seldom feel sick and take days off school.

A dog owner can quickly get through the feeling of deprivation and can help others with mental health issues as well. Having a dog reduces cortisol, which is a stress hormone, thus reducing our stress and anxiety.


Dogs provide us with company, love, and support, which is extremely important when we are stressed out. Having a dog at home is always there after a hectic day of work. The interaction between dog-human is mutual. We take care of them, and dogs take care of us.

